Sunday, July 19, 2009

21st Century Breakdown

I did a review of 21st Century Breakdown. I bought this album with hope that it wouldn't be another American Idiot. Well I was looking at the track names and I noticed this was a very peculiar album as it is cut into three parts which they call acts Act 1 Heroes And Cons, Act 2 Charlatans And Saints, Act 3 Horseshoes And Hand-grenades. So I started to listen to the first track and its not much considering it is 58 seconds long.So I went to the second track hoping for something better.It starts with two light guitar chords than it gets more rock chords and it rocks some of the songs were kind of light like Last Night On Earth and Restless Heart Syndrome. My favorite song is east Jesus Nowhere it is about the hypocrisy of some religions none specific. Overall I think if you are a Green Day fan this is a must.

Monday, October 27, 2008

About Me

My name is Kevin I am twelve years old.I enjoy playing my guitar,shooting air soft with my friends,playing my Xbox 360,playing hockey,and hanging out with my Friends.I own 2 electric guitars.An Ibanez Stratocaster and a Gibson Les Paul.I enjoy listening to rock music Metallica, Green day,AC/DC,Aerosmith,Audioslave,and Collective soul.I like playing my PS2 my current favorite game is Mercenaries 2 World in flames also like hanging out with my friends, playing air soft, and going to my friend's house and watching TV.And I have two siblings they can sometimes be a real pain in the neck they're names are Adam he is five and Kelly she is nine.I also have three dogs a golden retriever his name is Jake, a jack Russell mutt his name is Jim,and a beagle his name is B.